Monday 12/16
In 7 minutes:
Snatch Pull from above knee + Snatch
4 sets (2+2) @ 45-70%
1 rep @ 75
*Rest 2 minutes
1 rep @ 80%
As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
5 Overhead Squats (75/55)
15 Power Snatch (75/55)
50 Double Unders
Performance: 10 Snatches/75 Single Unders
Fitness: (55/45), 50 Single Unders
Tuesday 12/17
In 20 Minutes:
Build to a Heavy for the Day Front Squat
For Time:
Goblet Lunge Steps (70/44)
Strict Handstand Push Ups
Rest 2 Mins
For Time:
Burpee Over Dumbbell/Kettlebell
Ring Dips
Performance: (53/35), Kipping Handstand Pushups
Fitness: (35/25), Pike Push Ups, No Pushup Burpees, Box Dips
Wednesday 12/18
Teams of 2
Min 0-7: Row As Many Cals as Possible
Min 7-10: Rest
Min 10-17: 60ft Shuttle Double Farmer Carry (53/35)
Min 17-20: Rest
Min 20-27: Max Rep Wallballs (20/14) (10/9)
*Teams of 2, 1 Partner Working / 1 Resting
Accumulate 2 Minutes Bar Hang
*Every break, complete 10 Abmat sit-ups
Performance: (44/25)
Fitness: (35/15), Wallballs (12/8) 9ft
Thursday 12/19
Every 4 Minutes for 4 Rounds Complete
6 Strict Weighted Pullups (Pick Load)
6 Deadlift (Pick Load)
For Time
50 Deadlift (115/75)
45 Cal Row
40 Power Cleans (115/75)
35 Knees to Elbow
Performance: (95/65)
Fitness: (75/55), Hanging Knee Raises
Friday 12/20
3 Rounds for Quality / 15 Mins
10 Alternating Goblet Lateral Lunges
10 Barbell Strict Press
10 Alternating Barbell Front Rack Step-ups (16/12)
As Many Reps as Possible In 15minutes
Hand Release Push Ups
Kettlebell Swing (70/44)
120ft Shuttle Run
Accumulate 2 Minutes L-Sit / Knee Tuck
Performacne: (53/35)
Fitness: (44/25)
Saturday 12/21
Teams of 2
AMRAP 20mins
400m Medball Run (20/14lb Medball Per Team x 1)
10 Burpees to Target
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Calorie Bike
*Every Round Add 10 Reps To Each Movment
Split Reps As Needed
Performance: Add 5 reps per round
Box Jumps (20/16)
Fitness: Maintain 10 Reps Per Round
Box Stepups
WODS 12/16/24
Train Waco