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WODS 9/30/24

Monday 9/30


E2MOM (6mins)
:10s Work, 1:50min Off - Touch and Go Deadlifts
:15s On / 1:45min Off - TNG Deadlifts
:20s On / 1:40min Off - TNG Deadlifts
50-60% of 1RM 
*Light to Moderate Weight, Steady Pace, No Singles


Rx & Performance
For Time:
27 Wallballs (20/14 lbs.)
27 Box Jumps (24"/20")
5x 120ft Shuttle Run
21 Wallballs 
21 Box Jumps
5x 120ft Shuttle Run
15 Wallballs 
15 Box Jumps
5x 120ft Shuttle Run
9 Wallballs 
9 Box Jumps
5x 120ft Shuttle Run

21/18/15/9 Wallballs (14/10 lbs.)
21/18/15/9 Box Step-ups (16/12")
3x 120ft Shuttle Runs

Tuesday 10/1


In 15 Minutes Complete:
5 x 3 Push Press (Pick Load)


3 Rounds:
AMRAP 3 minutes:
5 Pullups
10 Hand Release Pushups
15 Goblet Squats (35/25)
REST 2:00

Performance: Scale KB/DB Weight As Needed
Fitness 3 Ring Rows, 6 Pushups, 9 Goblet/Air Squats


50 Medball Sit-ups

Wednesday 10/2


Teams of 2. Trade Reps as Needed.
AMRAP 22 minutes:
20 Cal Bike
20 Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Burpees to Plate (45/25)
20 Walking Overhead Plate Lunge Steps

Power Cleans (95/65)
Plate (25/15/10)


10 mins Coach Led Mobility

Thursday 10/3


2 Rounds For Max Meters (24mins)
1 Min Max Meter Row / 1 Min Rest
2 Min Max Meter Row / 2 Min Rest
3 Min Max Meter Row / 3 Min Rest


EMOM - For Quality (18mins)
Min 1: 10 Lateral Box Step Overs (20/16)
Min 2: 10 Dips
Min 3: 10 Barbell / Banded Good Mornings
Min 4: 10 Barbell / Banded Bent Over Row
Min 5: 5 / 5 Half Kneeling Banded Paloff Press
Min 6: Rest

Friday 10/4


Min:0-3 12 Rep Back Squat @ 50 %
Min3-6: 10 Rep Back Squat @ 60 %
Min 6-9: 8 Rep Back Squat @ 70%


Tabata 10 Sec Work / 20 Sec Rest
8 Rounds: Max Rep Toes to Bar


AMRAP 12 minutes:
6 Handstand Pushups
24 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
48 Double Unders

Saturday 10/5



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