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WODS 2/3/25

Train Waco
Monday 2/3


EMOM 7 minutes:
2 Front Squats @ 65-75%


3 Rounds each for Time:
250m Row
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
20 Burpees
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
250m Row
REST 3:00

KBS: 35/25 lbs.

Row: 200m
KBS: 10 reps (35/25)
Burpees: 15 reps

Tuesday 2/4


AMRAP 8 minutes:
10 Push Press (95/65)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

-immediately into:

In 10 minutes:
Max Clean and Jerk (anyway)

-immediately into:

AMRAP 8 minutes:
10 Push Press (95/65)
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

Push Press 115/75 lbs.

Push Press: 75/55 lbs.
Wall Ball: 14/12 lbs.
Box: 20"/16"

Push Press: 65/45 lbs.
Wall Ball: 12/10 lbs.
Box: 20/16"

Wednesday 2/5


Every 2:30 for 40 minutes:
Both Partners perform 5 Synchronized Burpees to start each set.
- With time remaining:
P1: Max Calorie Bike
P2: 10 x 120ft. Shuttle Runs

- Partners switch movements each set.


A) Strict Press
4 sets 3

B) Power Clean + Push Jerk
3 sets (3+2) @ by feel
3 sets (2+1) @ by feel

C) Alternating every :90 x 5 sets
-5 Back Squats @ 65-80%
-10 Dips (Box/Ring etc.)
- 8/8 DB Lateral Step Up

Thursday 2/6


Every 1:30 x 4 Sets Each:
4 Bench Press @ 65-75%
12 Barbell Bent Over Row (pick load)
*Alt. movements every 1:30


BTWB Fitness Level: Light

10 Rounds for Time:
15 Deadlifts (135/95)
15 Push-ups

Deadlift: 115/75

Deadlift: 10 reps (95/65)
Push-Ups: 7-10 reps, knees

Goal: 9-14 minutes
Compete: Sub 9

Friday 2/7


AMRAP 15 minutes:
Buy-In: 1500m/1200m Row
- with time remaining, AMRAP:
7 Thrusters
21 Double Unders
7 Pull-ups

Thruster: 75/55 lbs.
Pull-up: C2B

Thruster: 65/45 lbs.
Jump Rope: 42 Singles

Row: 1k/750m
Thruster: 45/35 lbs.
Pull-up: 5 Assisted Strict
Jump Rope: 21 Singles


For Time:
100 Abmat Sit-ups


A) Snatch Balance
6 sets 2 

B) Snatch
3 @ 45
2 @ 55%
2 @ 65%
2 @ 70%
3 sets 1 @ 75-85%

C) 3 rounds for quality
20 Alternating Bird Dogs
10 Strict Toe to Bar/Hanging Knee Raises 
10 Barbell Good Mornings

Saturday 2/8


Partner Hero WOD: Bert

Teams of 2.  Trade Reps as Needed.  Run Together.

For Time:
50 Burpees
400m Run
100 Push-ups
400m Run
150 Walking Lunges
400m Run
200 Air Squats
400m Run
150 Walking Lunges
400m Run
100 Push-ups
400m Run
50 Burpees

40 Burpees
75 Push-ups
100 Walking Lunges
150 Air Squats

50% Reps
200m Run

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